Monday 16 March 2020

Article: Corona-virus, Causes, Symptoms and Steps to Protection

Coronavirus, Causes, Symptoms and Steps to Protection
Coronavirus is a pandemic disease, which causes common cold, severe pneumonia and known as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).
 Common Causes
Common causes of corona virus are:
·        Close contact to animals
·        Spread from person to person through respiratory droplet or coughing and sneezing
·        Exposure to Coronavirus affected people
·        Touching your eyes, nose and mouth if your hands are unclean
Common Symptoms
Main symptoms of Coronavirus are;
·        Sore throat and pain in body with chronicle fever
·        Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath
·        Pain or pressure in chest and infection in lungs
Steps to protect yourself & Precautions
·        Wash your hands at least 20 seconds especially when sneezing and coughing
·        Gargle with warm  and salty or vinegar water
·        Use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol
·        Rub your hands with sanitizer until you feel dry
·        Avoid touching your nose, eyes and mouth with unclean hands
·        Avoid close contact with people who are at risk
·        Stay at least 6 feet long from the people if your community is at the risk of this virus
Steps to Protect others
·        Do leave your home except for getting medical treatment
·        Cover your mouth/nose while sneezing and coughing
·        Throw used tissue in trash
·        Wear a medical mask/face mask if you are sick, but if not sick don,t wear mask until you are caring a sick person
·        Clean and disinfect dirty surface like doorknob, table, electric switches, faucet and sinks
Treatment & How to identify it for medical help
·        Currently there is no vaccine/medicine for Coronavirus
·        Use antibiotics
·        Call your doctor if you feel above mentioned symptoms
·        Tell your doctor about your recent travel and possible exposure
·        You can test yourself by using simple trick that is hold your breath for at least 10 seconds if you feel pain in chest, do consult to your doctor immediately.

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