Sunday 22 March 2020

Do’s and Don’ts to Control CONVID-19 in Pakistan

Do’s and Don’ts to Control CONVID-19 in Pakistan

COVID-19 outbreaks in Pakistan and authorizes have confirmed four casualties due to this global pandemic. It is common in almost all pilgrims return from Iran and poorly managed quarantine set up at the Tafton border in Balochistan.

Almost 629 cases of COVID-19 are reported in Pakistan and fear of an alarming increase in this number is not out of question. In fact, it is estimated that this number may be multiplied because of the newly arrived pilgrims and patients from Iran and China.
The government of Pakistan is thinking of complete lockdown in the country. However, the Sindh and the Punjab Governments have already announced lockdown in their respective provinces and in 33 major cities of Pakistan.

Do’s to Control the Spread of COVID-19 in Pakistan

  •   Wash your hands properly with soap. It means you need to lather with soap on the upper parts of your hands, inner parts of fingers and nails at least 20 seconds with the running and clean water. Significant method of self-hygiene is washing hands with water and soap.

  •     Clean your hands with hand sanitizer if the water is not available. Only alcohol-based sanitizer of 70 degrees can be used for hands hygiene in the absence of water.
  •      Wash your hands after every 20-30 minutes and especially if you come from outside. 

  • Use disposable facemask to prevent the entry of virus in your mouth and nose. Make sure the mask must not be reused or used ones in a day. If you are not affected, no need to wear a mask until and unless you are in a crowd or gathering. Keep in mind, facemask can only prevent infecting you and others. It cannot be used as a remedy to get rid of this virus, rather it is an effective step to save yourself and others from this infection.

  •       Take a balanced diet, regular sleep and do proper and regular exercise to strengthen the immune system of your body.
  •      Try to avoid all sorts of gathering and crowdy places, if necessary use protective measures like covering face with disposable facemask, wearing gloves, keeping alcohol-based hand sanitizer with you and covering your nose and mouth while coughing and sneezing.

Don’ts to Control the Spread of COVID-19 in Pakistan

  •   Don’t drink too many hot beverages like coffee and tea to kill this virus. Extremely hot drinks may destroy the protective layers and preventive immune secretions.
  •       Don’t contact people physically and pay your greeting verbally.
  •     Don’t contact people physically and pay your greeting verbally.
  •      Don’t simply wash the infected surface with water, rather clean the surface with detergent or bleach.
  •    Don’t go to the crowdy place and stay at your home as much as you can.
  •    Don’t mix in people and keep yourself in self-quarantine.
  •     Don’t shake hands with other people only pay your greeting verbally.
  •    Don’t touch your nose, lips, mouth and eyes until you take all measures of cleanliness.
  •      Don’t eat raw and uncooked food like meat, eggs and vegetables.
  •      Don’t contact with other people, if you have reached from an affected area till the two weeks.
  •    All cases of coronavirus are not fatal and deadly. However, patients of diabetes, cancer, blood pressure and over-aged like 60-80 years are more likely to be affected because of their low body immune system.

Saturday 21 March 2020

How to Control the Global Pandemic of Coronavirus?

How to Control the Global Pandemic of Coronavirus?

According to World Health Organization director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus   COVID-19, a global pandemic is controllable by reducing transmission. 
For this, you can isolate yourself and quarantine your closet contacts.
You can also test every suspect case of COVID-19 to slow down the transmission.

You can control spreading this virus by using facemask to save yourself and other people from transferring this virus.

You also need to cover your mouth, nose with elbow or tissue while coughing and sneezing.

Similarly, according to the Islamic law of ritual washing to hands, mouth, nose, face, hair, ear, arms, ankles and feet that is called ‘Wudu’, an essential action before offering prayer can save lives. The Muslim community do ‘Wudu’ five times a day for prayer.
Don’t touch your nose, eyes again and again.

Washing hands include the backs, between fingers, under nails and scrubbing for at least 20 seconds with soap and running water is essential to get rid of this virus.

To slow down the pandemic of Coronavirus, you need to practice social distancing by deliberately widening the space between the people to avoid direct contact. 
You have to stay 6 feet away from the person in order to keep save yourself from catching CONVID-19.

You can also maintain social distance by avoiding large and crowdy places, working from home instead of visiting workplaces and staying at home as much as you can.

At the government level, it is essential to have complete lockdown as the Sindh and Punjab government announced to close all public and crowdy places like shopping malls except the most required ones.

Simply keep in your mind, you can only get rid of this pandemic and global illness by taking care of yourself and other’s and keeping in mind the do’s and don’ts.
There is no cure or treatment of this disease except your body natural immune system and the patients’ will power to get well soon.

Monday 16 March 2020

Article: Corona-virus, Causes, Symptoms and Steps to Protection

Coronavirus, Causes, Symptoms and Steps to Protection
Coronavirus is a pandemic disease, which causes common cold, severe pneumonia and known as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).
 Common Causes
Common causes of corona virus are:
·        Close contact to animals
·        Spread from person to person through respiratory droplet or coughing and sneezing
·        Exposure to Coronavirus affected people
·        Touching your eyes, nose and mouth if your hands are unclean
Common Symptoms
Main symptoms of Coronavirus are;
·        Sore throat and pain in body with chronicle fever
·        Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath
·        Pain or pressure in chest and infection in lungs
Steps to protect yourself & Precautions
·        Wash your hands at least 20 seconds especially when sneezing and coughing
·        Gargle with warm  and salty or vinegar water
·        Use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol
·        Rub your hands with sanitizer until you feel dry
·        Avoid touching your nose, eyes and mouth with unclean hands
·        Avoid close contact with people who are at risk
·        Stay at least 6 feet long from the people if your community is at the risk of this virus
Steps to Protect others
·        Do leave your home except for getting medical treatment
·        Cover your mouth/nose while sneezing and coughing
·        Throw used tissue in trash
·        Wear a medical mask/face mask if you are sick, but if not sick don,t wear mask until you are caring a sick person
·        Clean and disinfect dirty surface like doorknob, table, electric switches, faucet and sinks
Treatment & How to identify it for medical help
·        Currently there is no vaccine/medicine for Coronavirus
·        Use antibiotics
·        Call your doctor if you feel above mentioned symptoms
·        Tell your doctor about your recent travel and possible exposure
·        You can test yourself by using simple trick that is hold your breath for at least 10 seconds if you feel pain in chest, do consult to your doctor immediately.